Complaints & Appeals Policy

Complaints & Appeals Policy

QLD Real Estate Training and Careers Institute is committed to providing quality training and assessment in accordance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (SRTOs 2015).

This policy provides the framework and general principles for complaints and appeals of the QLD Real Estate Training and Careers Institute. This policy is based on providing and maintaining training services that are fair and reasonable and afford a forum where issues or inadequacies can be resolved. QLD Real Estate Training and Careers Institute’s process provides adequate opportunity for complaints and appeals to be forwarded to the management for resolution in a timely, confidential, and sensitive manner.

QLD Real Estate Training and Careers Institute will ensure that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness will be adhered to throughout the hearing of all complaints and appeals. The object of this policy is to ensure that QLD Real Estate Training and Careers Institute staff act in a professional manner at all times. This policy provides clients with a clear process to register a complaint. It ensures all parties involved are kept informed of the resulting actions and outcomes.



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